Lessons of History: Looking to Ancient Rome for Hope During Coronavirus Crisis.
Lessons of History: Looking to Ancient Rome for Hope During Coronavirus Crisis. COVID-19 has swept across the world, forcing us to universally change the way we are living. Aspects of modern life like travel and socialising have become muted. We are a generation used to being able to easily access anything we want, whether that…
June 2, 2020
Quarantine in Rome & Food Baskets
Local Heroes: Roman Shopkeepers Offer Free Food to the Vulnerable In a remarkable show of solidarity, Roman shopkeepers have been hanging baskets of food from their windows so that the city’s most vulnerable people won’t go hungry during the coronavirus crisis. Few countries have been hit harder than Italy by the coronavirus. Nevertheless, their strength…
April 24, 2020
Mini Post – Aventine Hill Keyhole
Potentially Rome’s most named-dropped hidden gem. The keyhole on the Aventine Hill gives one of the most magical views in the city: St Peters Basilica perfectly perfectly surrounded by a stunning hedgerow. The most difficult task is getting that perfect shot, be sure to play around with your camera settings to capture one like this!…
April 5, 2020
Mini Post – Rome in Numbers
Today let’s discuss numbers. Here are some interesting numbers relating to the Eternal City: 238 – the number of beautiful and unique fountains in Rome 900 – that’s roughly how many functioning churches there are in Rome today $1.5 Million – how much money was thrown in the Trevi Fountain in 2016. And all this…
April 5, 2020